©DC comics/Collectif

Intégrale - T5 - Paradox (TPB)
Superboy (2) (2011)(V.O. anglais)

Comics - Collectif
Edition DC comics - 13/01/2015
EAN : 9781401250928 | ID-BDovore : 204432

Synopsis : Collects
Superboy (2) (2011) #26-34
+Superboy: Futures End (2014) #1

As a result of the crossover event FOREVER EVIL, Superboy and the Teen Titans become stranded in the future without a way back home. Howevever, as they become immersed deeper and deeper in their new setting, Conner Kent comes to some startling revelations about his origins and future! Can he and the team rescue Kid Flash and find the way back to their own era? Or will they become lodged in the future forever?
source : editor

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