©Marvel/Latour, Jason

T2 - Glen Stacy, Spider-Woman
Edge of Spider-Verse (2014)(V.O.anglais)

Comics Super-héros - /
Couleur :
Edition Marvel - 10/09/2014
ID-BDovore : 192931

Synopsis : In Jason Latour and Robbi Rodriguez's "Edge of Spider-Verse" #2, a Midtown High Schooler manifests some spectacular new abilities -- from wall crawling to a precognitive sixth sense -- after a radioactive spider bite and pledges their life to crime fighting after a preventable personal tragedy. Sound familiar? It should, but this isn't Peter Parker we're talking about. In fact, Peter shows up for all of one splash page before his untimely death motivates none other than Gwen Stacy to take up the superhero cause as your friendly neighborhood Spider-Woman. Bombastic and brimming with fun, "Edge of Spider-Verse" #2 tells a fully realized story that briefly leans on Spider-Man mythos before taking off in its own electrifying direction...

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