T56 - Kahn
Spawn (1992)(V.O. anglais)
Comics - McFarlane, Todd/ Capullo, Greg
Couleur : Haberlin, Brian
Edition Image Comics - 01/12/1996
ID-BDovore : 131471
Synopsis :
Major Forsberg, a military strategist, has been kidnapped and imprisoned by Jason Wynn, a key figure in U.S. foreign intelligence. Forsberg had determined the insights of the great conqueror Genghis Kahn and relayed some of this to Wynn. When Forsberg denied having full knowledge, his family is murdered by Wynn. Forsberg believes that Wynn is inhabited by Kahn's spirit. Spawn frees Forsberg from Wynn's prison. Meanwhile, Clown continues to direct Wynn to destroy Spawn and Cy-Gor awaits Spawn's return to Rat City.
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