T28 - Protector
Spawn (1992)(V.O. anglais)
Comics - McFarlane, Todd/ McFarlane, Todd - Capullo, Greg
Couleur : Oliff, Steve
Edition Image Comics - 01/02/1995
ID-BDovore : 131325
Synopsis :
As the defeated Curse hangs from the walls of Spawn's alley he threatens Spawn and warns him of his vengeance causing the Hellspawn to grow angry. Meanwhile Wanda scours the allies in search of Spawn. She has come to find out why Spawn saved Terry from certain death. When Spawn saves her from a group of thugs (brutally attacked them and nearly killed one of them) she mutters some words of thanks, but can't overcome her fear of him and quickly flees. But she leaves him with a picture of her Terry and their daughter Cyan.
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