Batman : Whatever happened to the caped crusade? (HC)
Batman : Whatever happened to the caped crusader? (2009)(V.O. anglais)
Comics Super-héros - Gaiman, Neil/Collectif
Edition DC comics - 21/07/2009
EAN : 9781848562905 | ID-BDovore : 122405
Synopsis :
Best-selling author Neil Gaiman (The Sandman) joins a murderer's row of talented artists in lending his unique touch to the Batman mythos for this Deluxe Edition hardcover! Spotlighting the story "Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?" from Batman #685 and Detective Comics #852, Gaiman joins artist Andy Kubert and inker Scott Williams for a story that shines a new light on the Batman mythos. Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? also collects Gaiman stories from Secret Origins #36, Secret Origins Special #1, and Batman Black And White #2. This collection is not to be missed!
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