©Marvel/David, Peter Allen

X-factor n°228
X-Factor (1986)(V.O. anglais)

Comics - /
Couleur :
Edition Marvel - 07/12/2011
ID-BDovore : 119615

Synopsis : IX-Men Regenesis
Still reeling from the shocking death of one of their own, how can the X-Factor team possibly take down the one responsible — the deadly Bloodbath? Then, in issue 229: Layla Miller. Jamie Madrox. Husband and wife. Lying murdered in their honeymoon suite. The moment you thought would never come is here, and not only are you a witness to it, but so is Jamie Madrox himself. We feel safe in saying that this is X-Factor as you’ve never seen them before in the first part of what has to be the trippiest arc in the history of Marvel. »

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